5pm Hotels

New customers just waiting to stay at your hotel

5pm Hotels is the latest way to drive 1000s of new customers to your hotel.

You can now list your hotel and your availability on 5pm while keeping a fair rate.

We have a huge customer base looking to instantly book hotels on 5pm for specific dates. Welcome this consumer base and drive further revenue with 5pm Hotels.

Putting your brand in front of 5pm customers, all of the time

Hotel partners get a full profile on 5pm to showcase your venue, giving you constant access to our huge audience.

You’ll also automatically get to use the highly regarded and trusted 5pm review system.

If you list your hotel, you’ll be promoted to 5pm’s 350,000+ active email subscribers as well as our 265,000+ monthly website visitors.

Your brand will be promoted across our popular social media channels, to over 140,000+ fans.

We’ll also be offering exclusive marketing content that you can take part in to show what makes your hotel so great.

Take advantage of all this free marketing as soon as you list your hotel.

You’re in control

You’re in control of the availability and rates you set on 5pm Hotels. Simply list your rate and allocation and we do the rest.

To be listed on 5pm Hotels, we only ask for a 20% minimum discount and minimum two month’s availability.

You can also create bespoke packages specifically for 5pm consumers. This means you can come up with special packages you feel 5pm consumers would love.


All bookings are made online by customers meaning no phonecalls going to busy front of house staff.

You can also quickly change pricing. Need to adjust a rate for midweek vs weekends? Have a discounted Sunday? You can easily change the rates on 5pm Hotels.

We don’t need a big allocation of rooms. You can take control of your availability and only list dates you need to, to fill empty rooms.

If you’ve allocated rooms elsewhere or have a high occupancy, simply close them out using our easy to use dashboard or contact 5pm Customer Care and we’ll do it for you.

Fill empty rooms and get in front of 5pm customers who’re just waiting to stay at your hotel.

Contact [email protected] now.